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Wednesday 17 August 2011

Termite Baiting – Long Term Termite Control Solution

Today there are many termite control methods which can be implemented commercially. Some of the methods are preventive while others are treatments which are taken after infestation. Termites live and move in colonies and this is why it is important to adapt measures which can target the entire colony. 

Termite Baiting is the method of controlling termites by intoxicating them. Baits are devices which contain food for termites. These baits are installed in the area where the termites can be suspected. When termites start hunting for food and find these baits then they start feeding on the food kept in the baits. Experienced professionals know the places where the hit rate on these baits can be highest. These baits are installed after complete survey and inspection of the site. 

These devices are monitored from time to time. Regular monitoring is essential to keep a check on the termite activity and to see if the baits have been installed at the right site or not because the aim of installing baits is to attract maximum termites towards these baits so that they do not move towards the house of the building. Monitoring requirements are different in different seasons. In summers it is required to be done on monthly basis while in winters and colder months, it is needed to be done at least 2 times a month.

If you hire a professional pest controller for installing the baits then he will be the one responsible for monitoring the baits. If the baits are not installed at the right place then they need to be removed and re-installed at new location. There are many advanced methods in which the termite activity can be easily monitored by lifting the lid. If the site has been attacked then it becomes visible very easily.

Bait toxicant is important aspect of the Termite Baiting process. The toxicant must be palatable and should be taken by the termites easily else the response will be poor. Once they start eating the food in the bait they gradually start getting the toxin in their body. They carry this food to their colonies and share it with the members of the colonies. Along with the food they share the toxic content. Gradually this toxin starts accumulating in their bodies and the colonies start getting destroyed. These toxins are insect growth regulators and under the influence of these toxins the termites become unable to grow their outer skin and their growth is inhibited. 

This process of Termite Control has long term effect because this aims to destroy the entire colony instead of just the infesting termites. It is quite easy to install baits once we know the popular sites of infestations. If you see a structure that has already been attacked then you know that their colony is somewhere around the site of infestation and bait can be easily installed in close by location.

If you wish to do it yourself then you need to get complete information about the process but professional assistance is always advised for achieving better results.